Getting started with Billing

When you create your first DoubleCloud account, activate your free Trial period:

  1. Go to the console. You'll see the invitation to Activate your trial.

  2. Click Activate Trial:

    • You'll receive $300 worth of credits which you can use to start creating resources and exploring DoubleCloud.

    • The Consumption details tab will become available. Use it to monitor the amount of resources consumed and credits allocated to pay for these resources.

    • The Credits tab will show you the information on your free Trial period start and end time, as well as the overall amount of allocated and consumed credits.

There are some Trial period restrictions applied to your DoubleCloud resources.

To work with DoubleCloud services after the end of your free Trial period, you need to provide billing information and a payment method.

The Billing information page stores the payer and payment details. However, DoubleCloud doesn't debit funds from your bank account and doesn't invoice you until you upgrade to Paid usage.

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