Donut chart

A donut chart displays a ring divided into sectors to illustrate a proportion of elements with a number in the center.

The size of each segment corresponds to the percentage of a category in the total amount. A number in the center of a ring depends on the selected measure and indicates the overall total.


Donut charts are a good choice if you need to display a small number of segments.

AI-Insights supported

Use the AI-Insights feature with this chart type.

  1. Open the All workbooks page and select your workbook.

  2. Click CreateWizard chart. You'll see the chart creation wizard.

  3. On the top left, select the Dataset you want to visualize.

  4. Click the chart type field on the right of the dataset section and select Donut chart from the drop-down menu.

  5. Drag and drop Measures and Dimensions to the appropriate sections of the chart (see the Data fields tab).

    Your chart creation wizard should look similar to the following:


  6. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page.

  7. Name your chart and click Done.

  8. Choose the appropriate location for your chart by dragging it around the dashboard and resize it by dragging the lower-right corner of its frame.

  9. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page.


This configuration is a segment in the overall description of Visualization assets in the workbook. For the complete tutorial, see Use Visualization API.

To describe a donut chart, use the DonutChart configuration:

  • name - your chart's name. Must be unique within the workbook.

  • dataset - the ID of the dataset whose data to visualize.

  • ad_hoc_fields - (optional) describe the calculated fields to use in the chart.

  • visualization - describe the configuration of your chart:

    • kind: donut_chart - specify the chart type.

    • measures - configure the data reference for the chart:

      • source - specify the data source:

        • kind: ref - take the data from the reference data source. This is the dataset specified above.

        • id - specify the ID of the data field from the dataset whose data will be visualized.

    • sort - specify the data field to be used as a sorting reference:

      • source - specify the data source:

        • kind: ref - take the data from the reference data source. This is the dataset specified above.

        • id - specify the ID of the data field from the dataset whose data to use as sorting reference.

      • direction - configure the sorting direction to apply to the chart. You can assign ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.

    • coloring (optional)

      • kind - specify which data type field to use as a color filter. You can specify a dimension or measure.

      • source - specify the data source:

        • kind: ref - take the data from the reference data source. This is the dataset specified above.

        • id - specify the ID of the data field from the dataset whose data will be used as a color filter.

      • palette_id - select the palette to apply to the chart. For most cases, use default-palette.

      • mounts - assign colors from the palette to data points from the source:

        • value - specify the exact value from the source.

        • color_idx - match the above value to a color swatch number in the palette.

API example
- name: ch_columns_sales_per_region
   - ds_sales
   ad_hoc_fields: []
      kind: column_chart
         kind: ref
         id: order_month
      - source:
         kind: ref
         id: sum_sales
      sort: []
      coloring: null
Wizard slot Description
Color Dimension or Measure Names. Affects line colors.
You can add a Measure Names or Measure Values field to this slot.
Measures Measure. Single-field slot.
Sorting Measure. Affects the sorting of the measures.
Signatures Dimension or Measure. Shows dimension values on the chart. You can add a Measure Names or a Measure Values field to this slot.
Chart filters Dimension or Measure. Used to filter values. You can add a Measure Names or Measure Values field to this slot.

To open data type settings, click the field type icon before the field name:

  • for Integer type fields:



    Possible values


    Sets the name of the measure

    A string of characters.

    Type (Before aggregation)

    Sets the field's data type.

    Integer, Fractional number, String, Logical, Date, Date and time


    Applies a selected aggregation function to the data field.

    No: doesn't apply aggregation. Count: applies the COUNT function, returns the total number of entries. Sum: applies the SUM function, returns the sum of all the field's values. Average: applies the AVG function, returns the arithmetic mean value. Minimum: applies the MIN function, returns the minimum value. Maximum: applies the MAX function, returns the maximum value. Count distinct: applies the COUNTD function to the data field and returns the number of unique values in the field.


    Displays labels with values on the chart.

    Show, Hide


    Sets the number of characters displayed after the decimal point in a value.

    Any positive integer.


    Sets the value display format

    Number: display the values as plain numbers. Percent: show the values as a percentage.

    Show delimiter

    Toggles the separation of groups of thousands.

    Show: display spaces between groups of thousands. Hide: hide spaces between groups of thousands.


    Sets a text to display before the value

    A string of characters.


    Sets a text to display after the value.

    A string of characters.


    Sets a rounding scale to apply to the field's values.

    Null: don't apply rounding. Auto: select and apply a rounding scale automatically. Thousands, K: round to thousands, display 000 as K. Millions, M: round to millions, display 000 000 as M. Billions, B: round to billions, display 000 000 000 as B. Trillions, T: round to trillions, display 000 000 000 000 as T.

  • for String type fields:



    Possible values


    Sets the name of the dimension

    A string of characters.


    Sets the field's data type.

    Integer, Fractional number, String, Logical, Date, Date and time


    Sets the aggregation type

    No: doesn't apply aggregation. Count: applies the COUNT function to the data field and shows the number total number of entries. Count distinct: applies the COUNTD function to the data field and returns the number of unique values in the field.

  • Date type fields will convert into Integer.

  • Geodata type fields aren't supported by this chart type.

To open chart settings, click to the right of the chart type above the wizard slot fields. You'll see a dialog window with the following controls:

Control Default state Description
Header On Displays the specified text in the centered line above the chart.
Legend On Displays the field name associated with color line below the chart.
Totals On Displays the sum of the measures in the middle of the chart.

After managing the controls, click Apply to see the results on the chart preview.

To open slot settings, click in a row with the slot name.


On the left, you can select a line from a data source in the Colors slot of your chart.

On the right, you can select a color scheme and a color for the line. Select AUTO to let Visualization do the coloring for you.

  • This chart type can't display NULL or negative values.

  • We recommend displaying no more than three to six measures in a chart.

  • To display the values for each data point, drag Measure values to the Signatures section.
