Heat map

A heat map shows the density of point distribution as colored map areas with a gradient ranging from green to red. The more points in an area, the closer its color is to red.

A heat map is most effective when working with a dataset that contains a lot of points located within a small geographic area. If there's a limited number points on a map, link the color to a measure value: the higher the value, the closer the point color to red.


A heat map helps find dependencies that may not be in plain sight on a regular points map due to overlapping. For example, you can use a heat map to determine the districts where customers order for delivery most often.

AI-Insights not supported

This chart type doesn't support the AI-Insights feature.

  1. Open the All workbooks page and select your workbook.

  2. Click CreateWizard chart. You'll see the chart creation wizard.

  3. On the top left, select the Dataset you want to visualize.

  4. Click the chart type field on the right of the dataset section and select Map from the drop-down menu, then choose Heatmap (Geopoints) in the map type drop-down menu.

  5. Drag and drop a measure to the appropriate sections of the chart (see the Data fields tab).

  6. Set the size of the points displayed on the point map. Drag a measure to the Point size section.

  7. Apply color to your points - drag a measure to the Colors section.

    Your chart creation wizard should look similar to the following:


  8. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page.

  9. Name your chart and click Done.

  10. Choose the appropriate location for your chart by dragging it around the dashboard and resize it by dragging the lower-right corner of its frame.

  11. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page.

Wizard slot Description
Points (Geopoints) Dimension or Measure. Single-field slot. Must contain a geopoint.
Point size Measure. Sets a point size depending on the measure value.
Colors Dimension or Measure. Affects the area gradient colors.
Layer filters Dimension or Measure. Used as a filter for the current layer. You can add a Measure Names or Measure Values field to this slot.
Chart filters Dimension or Measure. Used to filter values. You can add a Measure Names or Measure Values field to this slot.

To open chart settings, click to the right of the chart type above the wizard slot fields. You'll see a dialog window with the following controls:

Control Default state Description
Header Off Displays the specified text in the centered line above the chart.
Legend On Displays the dimension or measure and a color value gradient in a frame in the upper-right corner of the chart.

After managing the controls, click Apply to see the results on the chart preview.


  • Gradient type toggles between gradients based on 2 or 3 colors.
  • Drop-down menu selects the gradient color palette. The preview is displayed to the left.
  • The button changes the gradient's direction.
  • Threshold values allow you to specify how the color changes, from the lowest values to the highest. Each threshold value corresponds to a color.
  • The intensity of point and area fill on a heat map varies depending on the map's scale. Keep this in mind.

  • If the areas cover too much space on the map so that they compromise legibility, make them more transparent.