Manage connections

Edit a connection

To edit a connection:

  1. Open the Visualization page in the console.

  2. Select your workbook containing the connection you want to edit.

  3. Find the connection and click it.

  4. Make changes to the connection.

  5. Click Save changes.

Delete a connection

To delete a connection:

  1. Open the Visualization page in the console.

  2. Select your workbook containing the connection you want to delete.

  3. Find the connection you want to delete and click Delete.

  4. In the dialog window, confirm the deletion and click Delete.

Use the Connection API model and pass the DeleteWorkbookConnectionRequest:

  • workdbook_id - the ID of the workbook containing the connection you want to delete.

  • connection_name - the name of the connection you want to delete.


After deleting the connection, you must send the UpdateWorkbookRequest.


View this example on GitHub

from doublecloud.visualization.v1.workbook_service_pb2 import (

def delete_connection(svc, workbook_id, connection_name):
   operation = svc.DeleteConnection(
      DeleteWorkbookConnectionRequest(workbook_id=workbook_id, connection_name=connection_name)
   return operation