Create an embedding entity
To complete these instructions, you must have Visualization access permissions.
An embedding entity describes the following:
The chart that needs to be embedded
Chart dependencies - (dataset and connection)
Parameters that can be changed in the URL without the need to sign the request again.
To create an embedding entity:
Open the wizard for the chart you want to embed.
On top of the page to the right of the breadcrumbs, click
Click + Create embed. You’ll see the following dialog:
In the Create embed dialog:
Name your embedding entity.
From the dropdown menu, select the embedding key with which you want to sign the requests to Visualization.
Under Unsigned parameters, specify the unsigned parameters you want to apply to your chart. These chart parameters can be later on the client side without regenerating the embedding token.
Review the Dependencies for the chart.
Click Create. You'll see the Embed created window with the usage example:
Copy the link example for future use and click Close.
You'll see your embed ID on the list: