Create DoubleCloud resources with Terraform
Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that allows you to provision and manage cloud resources with declarative configuration files. With DoubleCloud, you can use Terraform to manage ClickHouse® and Apache Kafka® clusters, data transfers, and network connections.
In this tutorial, you learn how to create resources using the
DoubleCloud Terraform provider
Before you start
If you haven't already, install Terraform
Select a service account to use with Terraform or create a new one. Make sure this account has the Editor permissions for the services you want to use.
Create an API key for that account and download a file with keys.
Step 1. Configure the DoubleCloud Terraform provider
When creating resources with Terraform, you first describe their parameters in Terraform configuration files. After that, you run Terraform, and it provisions the resources on your behalf.
Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it:
mkdir doublecloud-terraform && cd doublecloud-terraform
Move the file with keys that you downloaded to this directory.
Create a new Terraform configuration file named
and add the following code:# terraform { required_providers { doublecloud = { source = "" } } } provider "doublecloud" { authorized_key = file("authorized_key.json") }
The terraform
section instructs Terraform to use the DoubleCloud provider and
download it from the official Terraform Registry.
The provider
section specifies where to look for the API keys.
Step 2. Add resource configuration
In the same
file, add the configuration of the resources you want to create.
When you create a Managed ClickHouse® cluster, it needs a network. In Terraform configuration, the network must be placed before the cluster as in this example.
data "doublecloud_network" "default" {
name = NETWORK_NAME # Replace with the name of the network you want to use
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
resource "doublecloud_clickhouse_cluster" "example-clickhouse" {
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
name = "example-clickhouse"
region_id = "eu-central-1"
cloud_type = "aws"
network_id =
resources {
clickhouse {
resource_preset_id = "s2-c2-m4"
disk_size = 34359738368
replica_count = 1
config {
log_level = "LOG_LEVEL_TRACE"
max_connections = 120
access {
data_services = ["transfer"]
ipv4_cidr_blocks = [
value = ""
description = "Office in Berlin"
You can find the project ID on the
project settings page
When you create a Managed Apache Kafka® cluster, it needs a network. In Terraform configuration, the network must be placed before the cluster as in this example.
data "doublecloud_network" "default" {
name = NETWORK_NAME # Replace with the name of the network you want to use
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
resource "doublecloud_kafka_cluster" "example-kafka" {
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
name = "example-kafka"
region_id = "eu-central-1"
cloud_type = "aws"
network_id =
resources {
kafka {
resource_preset_id = "s2-c2-m4"
disk_size = 34359738368
broker_count = 1
zone_count = 1
schema_registry {
enabled = false
access {
data_services = ["transfer"]
ipv4_cidr_blocks = [
value = ""
description = "Office in Berlin"
You can find the project ID on the
project settings page
An endpoint is a connection between a database and Transfer. A source endpoint connects to a remote source and sends data to Transfer, while a target endpoint writes this data to a database.
# Source endpoint resource
resource "doublecloud_transfer_endpoint" "example-s3-source" {
name = "example-s3-source"
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
settings {
s3_source {
dataset = "hits"
format {
parquet {
buffer_size = 10000
path_pattern = "data-sets/hits.parquet"
provider {
bucket = "doublecloud-docs"
schema {}
# Target endpoint resource
resource "doublecloud_transfer_endpoint" "example-clickhouse-target" {
name = "example-clickhouse-target"
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
settings {
clickhouse_target {
clickhouse_cleanup_policy = "DROP"
connection {
address {
cluster_id =
database = "default"
password = CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD # Replace with the ClickHouse user password
user = "admin"
You can find the project ID on the
project settings page
A transfer requires a source and a target endpoint. If you create new endpoints for your transfer resource, make sure to place their configuration before the transfer as in this example.
# Source endpoint resource
resource "doublecloud_transfer_endpoint" "example-s3-source" {
# Target endpoint resource
resource "doublecloud_transfer_endpoint" "example-clickhouse-source" {
# Transfer resource
resource "doublecloud_transfer" "example-transfer" {
name = "example-transfer"
project_id = DOUBLECLOUD_PROJECT_ID # Replace with your project ID
source =
target =
activated = false
transformation = {
transformers = [
dbt = {
git_repository_link = ""
profile_name = "my_clickhouse_profile"
operation = "run"
You can find the project ID on the
project settings page
In this tutorial, you are placing the Terraform and resource configuration in one .tf
When creating a more complex project,
you may want to use variables and split the configuration into several files,
such as
, etc.
It’s also good practice to move sensitive information to variables.
Step 3. Initialize Terraform and validate the configuration
Initialize Terraform by running the following command in the project directory. It downloads the provider and builds the
directory.terraform init
Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins... - Finding latest version of doublecloud/doublecloud... - Installing doublecloud/doublecloud v0.1.11... ... Terraform has been successfully initialized!
(Optional) Validate the configuration. This command verifies that the syntax is correct and outputs the resources that will be created.
terraform plan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: ... Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, o to destroy.
Step 4. Apply the configuration and create resources
Apply the configuration and create resources:
terraform apply
When prompted, type
and pressEnter
. Terraform will provision your resources, which may take some time.... Apply complete! Resources: 4 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Step 5. (Optional) Clean up
When you no longer need the resources you created, you can delete them using Terraform to avoid incurring additional costs. To do that:
In the project's configuration file, comment out or remove the resources you want to delete.
Apply the configuration:
terraform apply
When prompted, type
and pressEnter
. Terraform will delete the resources you commented out or removed. This may take some time.... Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 4 destroyed.
To remove all the resources described in the project's configuration file,
you can also use the terraform destroy
However, it's not common to use it in production environments.