Modify an Airflow® cluster

Once your Managed Apache Airflow® is created, you can change its settings. Changes can only be applied when the cluster is running.

To change the cluster settings, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Clusters page.

  2. Select the Airflow® cluster you want to modify and click Edit at the top right.

  3. Modify the cluster settings according to your needs.

    Worker node resources
    • In Preset, select the amount of CPU, RAM, and SSD storage suitable for your workload.

    • In Min worker nodes and Max worker nodes, specify the numbers of workers for autoscaling. The cluster will automatically adjust the number of workers depending on the load.

    • In Concurrency, specify the limit for how many running task instances a DAG can have. Any task instance on top of this number is queued.

    DAG code repository
    • In Repository URL, DAG path, and Branch, enter the details of your Git repository with DAGs.

    • If the repository is private, enter the credentials in Username and Password/token. For GitHub, use a personal access token .

    • To make sure the connection details are correct, click Check connection.

    Advanced settings
    • In Maintenance settings, select whether you want DoubleCloud to perform maintenance at an arbitrary time or by schedule. If you selected By schedule, select the day and time (UTC).

    • In requirements.txt, enter the Python dependencies available from PyPI that you want to install in the cluster. Use the package_name == version format. Learn more

    • In Environment variables, add variables you want to use in the cluster.

    • In Service account, select a DoubleCloud service account you want to use to access other DoubleCloud services from the Airflow® cluster. Learn more

  4. To apply the changes and restart hosts, click Submit.

See also