Connect Prometheus to your Managed ClickHouse® cluster

DoubleCloud Managed Service for ClickHouse® allows you to seamlessly integrate Prometheus to monitor ClickHouse® metrics and enable alerting. You only need to access the 9363 port of your cluster and specify the /metrics endpoint in your Prometheus configuration file. This feature is enabled for all Managed ClickHouse® clusters by default.

This scenario illustrates how to scrape several metrics with a local Prometheus instance.

Endpoint format

The metrics endpoint is accessible as follows:


Export your ClickHouse® metrics

  1. Go to the Clusters page in the console.

  2. Select the cluster from which you want to export metrics.

  3. Open the Monitoring tab.

  4. In the upper-right corner, click .

  5. Follow the instructions in the dialog window:


  1. Get a list of hosts using the DoubleCloud API's ClusterService ListHosts method.

  2. Use the ClusterService Get method with the sensitive:true flag to get the required credentials. You'll see them under metrics_exporter_connection_info.

  3. Use the metrics management solution to visualize the exported metrics. For example, you may use curl to get the raw metrics data in your terminal:

    curl -u exporter:<password> <clickhouse_host_address>:9363/metrics