Step-by-step instructions for DoubleCloud Managed Service for ClickHouse®
Create and configure clusters
- Create a Managed ClickHouse® cluster
- Manage a ClickHouse® cluster
- Start and stop a cluster
- Reset a Managed ClickHouse® cluster password
- Monitor a Managed ClickHouse® cluster
- Delete a Managed ClickHouse® cluster
- Manage ClickHouse® users
- Manage ClickHouse® roles
- Manage the ClickHouse® cluster allowlist
- Change ClickHouse® version
- Manage ClickHouse® backups
- View a list of operations on a Managed ClickHouse® cluster
- Manage ClickHouse® logs
Connect to clusters and upload data
- Connect to a ClickHouse® cluster
- Upload CSV to your Managed ClickHouse® cluster
- Upload Parquet data to your Managed ClickHouse® cluster
Enable ClickHouse® features