Change ClickHouse® version

You can change the ClickHouse® version of your cluster to any version supported by DoubleCloud.

To change the ClickHouse® version:

  1. Refer to the list of available versions.

  2. Prepare for version change.

  3. Change the ClickHouse® version.

Refer to the list of available versions

  1. Go to the Clusters page in the console.

  2. Click on your cluster to open its information page.

  3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner.

  4. Under Basic settings, click the Version drop-down list to see the available ClickHouse® versions for your cluster.

View a list of available ClickHouse® versions using the VersionService list method.

Prepare for version change

Take a look at the ClickHouse® changelog to check if any updates might affect your data processing operations.

Change the ClickHouse® version of your cluster

  1. Go to the Clusters page in the console.

  2. Click on your cluster to open its information page.

  3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner.

  4. Under Basic settings, click the Version drop-down list to choose a ClickHouse® version for your cluster.

  5. Click Submit.

The cluster status will change to Updating, which can take some time. After the version change finishes, your cluster status will return to Alive.

Use the ClusterService update method and pass the following mandatory parameters in the request:

  • clusterid. To find the cluster ID, get a list of clusters in the project.

  • configSpec.clickhouse.config.version. This is the version number you want to apply to your cluster.

  • List of settings to update (configSpec.clickhouse.config.version in this case) in the updateMask parameter.