Facebook Marketing connector

You can use this connector in source endpoints to retrieve data from the Facebook Marketing API.

This connector is based on Airbyte’s Facebook Marketing connector .

Source endpoint

To configure a source Facebook Marketing endpoint, provide the following settings:

  1. In Start date, enter the date and time from which you want to replicate data for all incremental streams. Use the ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z format.

  2. In Account ID, enter your 15-digit Facebook ad account ID .

  3. (Optional) In End date, enter the data and time until which you want to replicate data for all incremental streams. Use the ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z format.


    If you don’t provide the end date, Transfer will always sync the latest data.

  4. In Access token, enter your Facebook Marketing API token.

    How to get an access token
    1. In your App dashboard on Facebook, click Marketing APITools.

    2. Select all the available token permissions: ads_management, ads_read, read_insights, and business_management.

    3. Click Get token.

    4. Copy the generated token.

  5. If you want to include data from your deleted campaigns, ads, and AdSetsCheck, enable Include deleted.

  6. To fetch thumbnail URLs for each Ad Creative and store them in the thumbnail_data_url table, enable Fetch Thumbnail Images.

  7. (Optional) To add custom insights:

    1. Expand Custom Insights and click .

    2. In Name, enter the insight value you want to replicate.

    3. In Field, Breakdown, and Action breakdown, click and select the desired options from the dropdowns.

      For more information on selectable fields, refer to the Meta Marketing API Reference .

Supported tables

The DoubleCloud endpoint supports replication of the following tables from Facebook:

For more information, refer to Facebook Insights API documentation .


For an example of using this endpoint usage in a real scenario, refer to Marketing analytics end-to-end scenario.

To create a Facebook Marketing source endpoint with the API, use the endpoint.airbyte.FacebookMarketingSource model.

Airbyte type Transfer type
integer int64
number double
time_without_timezone, time_with_timezone, string utf8
boolean boolean
date date
date-time datetime
timestamp, timestamp_with_timezone, timestamp_without_timezone timestamp
object, array, REST... any

See also

In this article: