Yandex Metrica connector

You can use the Metrica connector in source endpoints. The connector retrieves analytics data from your Yandex Metrica account.


You need to have API access enabled in Yandex Metrica to be able to transfer data with DoubleCloud Transfer.

If you don’t have it enabled, contact the DoubleCloud support and include your Metrica Tag ID in the message. We’ll contact the Metrica support team on your behalf and request them to enable API access for you.

Source endpoint

To configure a Yandex Metrica source endpoint, provide the following settings:

  1. In Tag IDs, enter one or several IDs of the Metrica tags whose data you want to transfer. You can find the tag IDs on the Metrica’s main page .

  2. In Token, enter your Metrica access token. You can get the token in Yandex OAuth .

  3. In Hits, select whether you want to transfer hit data. Hits are events that Yandex metrica detects on your page.

  4. In Sessions, select whether you want to transfer session data. A session or visit is an uninterrupted sequence of interactions between a user and your website. Learn more about sessions in Metrica

  5. In Enable dashboard, select whether you want DoubleCloud to automatically create a Visualization dashboard with your data.

Field Type Description
CounterID UInt32 Counter ID.
EventDate Date The date when the hit was logged.
CounterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID that's universal for the counter even if it's installed on different domains.
UTCEventTime DateTime The UTC time when the event was logged
WatchID UInt64 Hit ID.
Sign Int8 Indicates the entry status in the incremental log.
HitVersion UInt32 Hit version.
AdvEngineID UInt8 Optional. Ad system ID.
AdvEngineStrID String Optional. Ad system string ID.
BrowserCountry FixedString(2) Optional. Country set in the browser.
BrowserEngineID UInt8 Optional. Browser engine ID.
BrowserEngineStrID String Optional. Browser engine string ID.
BrowserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserLanguage FixedString(2) Optional. Browser language setting.
CLID UInt32 Optional. CLID URL parameter.
ClientIP UInt32 Optional. IPv4 address used to establish the TCP connection with the server.
ClientIP6 FixedString(16) Optional. IPv6 address used to establish the TCP connection with the server.
ClientTimeZone Int16 Optional. User's time zone.
CookieEnable UInt8 Optional. Indicates if cookies are enabled.
DevicePixelRatio Float32 Optional. Device pixel ratio.
DirectCLID UInt64 Optional. Yandex Direct click ID (YCLID).
FirstPartyCookie UInt64 Optional. Domain cookie.
FromTag String Optional. from value from the URL.
GCLID String Optional. Google Ads parameter (Google Click ID).
GoalsReached Array(UInt32) IDs of achieved goals.
HasGCLID UInt8 Optional. Indicates if Google Ads parameter is available.
HTTPError UInt16 Optional. HTTP error code
IsArtifical UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit is artificial and made using hit(), event(), or another function.
IsDownload UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit is a file download.
IsIFrame UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit is from an iframe.
IsLink UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit is a link click.
IsMobile UInt8 Optional. Indicates a mobile browser.
IsNotBounce UInt8 Optional. Indicates a special non-bounce event for accurate bounce rate calculation.
IsPageView UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit is a page view.
IsParameter UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the hit has a parameter.
IsTablet UInt8 Optional. Indicates a tablet.
IsTV UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the visit is from a TV.
JavascriptEnable UInt8 Optional. Indicates if JavaScript is enabled.
MessengerID UInt8 Optional. Messenger ID.
MessengerStrID String Optional. Messenger string ID.
MobilePhoneModel String Optional. Full model name of the mobile phone.
MobilePhoneVendor UInt16 Optional. Mobile phone manufacturer ID.
MobilePhoneVendorStr String Optional. Mobile phone manufacturer string ID.
NetworkType UInt8 Optional. Network type ID.
NetworkTypeStr String Optional. Network type string ID.
OpenstatAdID String Optional. Openstat ad ID.
OpenstatCampaignID String Optional. Openstat campaign ID.
OpenstatServiceName String Optional. Openstat label name, ad platform.
OpenstatSourceID String Optional. Openstat ad type.
OriginalURL String Optional. Full URL if it iwas truncated.
OS UInt8 Optional. User's operating system.
OSFamily String Optional. Type of user's operating system.
OSName String Optional. Name of user's operating system.
OSRoot UInt8 Optional. User's operating system group ID.
OSRootStr String Optional. User's operating system group string ID.
OSStr String Optional. User's operating system string ID (detailed).
PageCharset String Optional. Page encoding.
ParsedParams.Key1 Array(String) Level 1 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key2 Array(String) Level 2 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key3 Array(String) Level 3 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key4 Array(String) Level 4 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key5 Array(String) Level 5 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key6 Array(String) Level 6 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key7 Array(String) Level 7 parameter
ParsedParams.Key8 Array(String) Level 8 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key9 Array(String) Level 9 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key10 Array(String) Level 10 parameter.
ParsedParams.Quantity Array(UInt32) Number of parameters.
QRCodeProviderID UInt16 Optional. QR code provider ID.
QRCodeProviderStrID String Optional. QR code provider string ID.
RecommendationSystemID UInt8 Optional. Recommendation system ID.
RecommendationSystemStrID String Optional. Recommendation system string ID.
Referer String Optional. Referrer.
RegionID UInt32 Optional. User's region ID.
ResolutionDepth UInt8 Optional. Color depth.
ResolutionHeight UInt16 Optional. Screen height.
ResolutionWidth UInt16 Optional. Screen width.
SearchEngineID UInt16 Optional. Search engine ID.
SearchEngineRootID UInt16 Optional. Search engine ID.
SearchEngineRootStrID String Optional. Search engine string ID.
SearchEngineStrID String Optional. Search engine string ID.
ShareService String Optional. Share button service name.
ShareTitle String Optional. Share button page title.
ShareURL String Optional. Share button URL.
SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8 Optional. ID of the social network the user came from.
SocialSourceNetworkStrID String Optional. String ID of the social network the user came from.
SocialSourcePage String Optional. Page in a social network the user came from.
Title String Optional. Page title.
TrafficSourceID Int8 Optional. Traffic source ID.
TrafficSourceStrID String Optional. Traffic source string ID.
URL String Optional. Page address.
UserAgent UInt8 Optional. User's browser ID.
UserAgentMajor UInt16 Optional. Major version number of the browser.
UserAgentStr String Optional. User's browser string ID.
UserAgentVersion2 UInt32 Optional.
UserAgentVersion3 UInt32 Optional.
UserAgentVersion4 UInt32 Optional.
UTMCampaign String Optional. UTM campaign name.
UTMContent String Optional. Additional UTM information.
UTMMedium String Optional. UTM ad type.
UTMSource String Optional. UTM name, ad platform.
UTMTerm String Optional. UTM keyword.
WindowClientHeight UInt16 Optional. Browser window height.
WindowClientWidth UInt16 Optional. Browser window width.
YQRID String Optional. Unique tag provided by Yandex QR generator.
Field Type Description
CounterID UInt32 Counter ID.
StartDate Date Visit start date.
CounterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID that's universal for the counter even if it's installed on different domains.
VisitID UInt64 Visit ID.
Sign Int8 Entry status indicator in the incremental log.
VisitVersion UInt32 Visit version.
BrowserCountry UInt16 Optional. Browser country setting.
BrowserEngineID UInt8 Optional. Browser engine ID.
BrowserEngineStrID String Optional. Browser engine string ID.
BrowserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Optional. Browser engine version.
BrowserLanguage UInt16 Optional. Browser language setting.
CDPOrder.Cost Array(UInt64) User-uploaded order value.
CDPOrder.CreateTime Array(DateTime) Order creation time.
CDPOrder.ID Array(UInt64) SipHash(toString(OrderID).
CDPOrder.ProductNames Array(Array(String)) Product names in the order.
CDPOrder.ProductQuantities Array(Array(UInt32)) Product quantity in the order.
CDPOrder.Revenue Array(UInt64) User-uploaded order price.
CDPOrder.Status Array(UInt8) Order status.
CDPOrder.UpdateTime Array(DateTime) Order update time.
CDPOrder.UserID Array(UInt64) SipHash(toString(UserID).
CDPOrder.Version Array(UInt32) Order version.
ClientIP UInt32 Optional. IPv4 address used to establish the TCP connection with the server.
ClientIP6 FixedString(16) Optional. IPv6 address used to establish the TCP connection with the server.
ClientTimeZone Int16 Optional. User's time zone.
CookieEnable UInt8 Optional. Indicates if cookies are enabled.
DevicePixelRatio Float32 Optional. Device pixel ratio (zoom level).
Duration UInt32 Optional. Visit duration in seconds.
EAction.EventTime Array(DateTime) Event time.
EAction.ProductBrand Array(String) Product brand.
EAction.ProductCategory Array(String) Product category.
EAction.ProductCategory1 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EAction.ProductCategory2 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EAction.ProductCategory3 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EAction.ProductCategory4 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EAction.ProductCategory5 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EAction.ProductCoupon Array(String) Coupon code associated with the product.
EAction.ProductCurrency Array(String) Transaction currency.
EAction.ProductCurrencyID Array(UInt16) Transaction currency code.
EAction.ProductDiscount Array(String) Product discount in the order.
EAction.ProductID Array(String) Product ID.
EAction.ProductList Array(String) List that includes the products related to the transaction.
EAction.ProductName Array(String) Product name.
EAction.ProductPosition Array(Int32) Product position in the list or collection.
EAction.ProductPrice Array(Int64) Product price.
EAction.ProductQuantity Array(Int64) Product quantity.
EAction.ProductVariant Array(String) Product variant.
EAction.Type Array(UInt8) Event type ID.
EAction.TypeStr Array(String) Event type string ID.
EAction.URL Array(String) EAction event URL.
EActionOverflow UInt8 Optional. Indicates that the EAction limit is reached.
EndURL String Optional. URL where the visit ended.
EPromotion.Creative Array(String) Ad banner name.
EPromotion.CreativeSlot Array(String) Ad banner slot.
EPromotion.EventTime Array(DateTime) Time when the event occurred.
EPromotion.ID Array(String) Promo campaign ID.
EPromotion.Name Array(String) Promo campaign name.
EPromotion.Position Array(String) Ad banner position.
EPromotion.Type Array(UInt8) EPromotion event type, where 1 is a view and 2 is a click.
EPromotion.URL Array(String) Page address where the event occurred.
EPurchase.Affiliation Array(String) Store or branch where the transaction occurred.
EPurchase.Coupon Array(String) Coupon redeemed during the transaction.
EPurchase.Currency Array(String) Transaction currency.
EPurchase.CurrencyID Array(UInt16) Transaction currency code.
EPurchase.EventTime Array(DateTime) Event time.
EPurchase.ID Array(String) Transaction ID.
EPurchase.ProductQuantity Array(Int64) Product quantity.
EPurchase.Revenue Array(Int64) Total revenue or transaction value.
EPurchase.Shipping Array(Int64) Shipping cost related to the transaction.
EPurchase.Tax Array(Int64) Total tax amount related to the transaction
EPurchaseOverflow UInt8 Optional. Indicates that the number of elements in the EPurchase.ID array exceeds the maximum allowable value.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Affiliation Array(String) Store or branch where the transaction occurred.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Coupon Array(String) Coupon redeemed during the transaction.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Currency Array(String) Product currency.
EPurchaseWithProducts.CurrencyID Array(UInt16) Product currency code.
EPurchaseWithProducts.EventTime Array(DateTime) Transaction time.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ID Array(String) Transaction ID.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductBrand Array(String) Product brand.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory Array(String) Product category.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory1 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory2 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory3 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory4 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory5 Array(String) Product subcategory.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCoupon Array(String) Coupon code associated with the product.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrency Array(String) Product currency.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrencyID Array(UInt16) Product currency code.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductDiscount Array(String) Product currency code.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductID Array(String) Product ID.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductList Array(String) List of products related to the transaction.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductName Array(String) Product name.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPosition Array(Int32) Product position in the list or collection.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPrice Array(Int64) Product price.
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductVariant Array(String) Product variant.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Quantity Array(Int64) Number of productts.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Revenue Array(Int64) Total revenue or transaction value.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Shipping Array(Int64) Shipping cost related to the transaction.
EPurchaseWithProducts.Tax Array(Int64) Total tax amount related to the transaction.
EPurchaseWithProductsOverflow UInt8 Optional. Indicates that the limit for EPurchaseWithProducts is reached.
Experiment.SystemID Array(Int32) Array of IDs for Varioqub experiment variants. Options are linked to user sessions that were included in the selection. Only positive values should be considered. Negative values are technical ones.
FirstPartyCookie UInt64 Optional. Domain cookie.
FirstVisit DateTime Optional. User's first visit date and time.
Goals.CallFirstTimeCaller Array(UInt32) Indicates the first call from this client.
Goals.CallHoldDuration Array(UInt32) Waiting time in seconds.
Goals.CallMissed Array(UInt32) Indicates a missed call.
Goals.CallTag Array(String) Tags associated with the call.
Goals.CallTalkDuration Array(UInt32) Call duration in seconds.
Goals.CallTrackerURL Array(String) Call tracker URL.
Goals.CallURL Array(String) Page from which the call was made.
Goals.CurrencyID Array(UInt32) Currency ID.
Goals.EventTime Array(DateTime) Time when each goal was achieved.
Goals.ID Array(UInt32) ID of goals achieved during this visit.
Goals.OrderID Array(String) Order ID.
Goals.Price Array(Int64) Goal value.
Goals.Serial Array(UInt32) Sequential numbers of goal achievements with specific IDs.
HasGoalReachesOverflow UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the number of goals per session or their volume is greater than the maximum allowed value.
IsBounce UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the visit is a bounce.
IsMobile UInt8 Optional. Indicates a mobile browser.
IsTablet UInt8 Optional. Indicates a tablet.
IsTV UInt8 Optional. Indicates if the visit is from a TV.
JavascriptEnable UInt8 Optional. Is JavaScript enabled.
LinkURL String Optional. Indicates if JavaScript is enabled.
MobilePhoneModel String Optional. Full model name of the mobile phone.
MobilePhoneVendor UInt16 Optional. Mobile phone manufacturer ID.
MobilePhoneVendorStr String Optional. Mobile phone manufacturer string ID.
NetworkType UInt8 Optional. Network type ID.
NetworkTypeStr String Optional. Network type string ID.
OS UInt8 Optional. User's operating system.
OSFamily String Optional. Type of user's operating system.
OSName String Optional. Name of user's operating system.
OSRoot UInt8 Optional. User's operating system group ID.
OSRootStr String Optional. User's operating system group string ID.
OSStr String Optional. User's operating system string ID (detailed).
PageViews Int32 Optional. Page views.
ParsedParams.Key1 Array(String) Level 1 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key2 Array(String) Level 2 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key3 Array(String) Level 3 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key4 Array(String) Level 4 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key5 Array(String) Level 5 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key6 Array(String) Level 6 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key7 Array(String) Level 7 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key8 Array(String) Level 8 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key9 Array(String) Level 9 parameter.
ParsedParams.Key10 Array(String) Level 10 parameter.
ParsedParams.Quantity Array(UInt32) Number of parameters.
PublisherEvents.AdvEngineID Array(UInt8) Article traffic source ID (ad system ID).
PublisherEvents.AdvEngineStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (ad system string ID).
PublisherEvents.ArticleHeight Array(UInt32) Article height in pixels.
PublisherEvents.ArticleID Array(UInt32) Article ID.
PublisherEvents.Authors Array(Array(String)) Article authors.
PublisherEvents.Chars Array(UInt32) Number of characters in the article text.
PublisherEvents.EventID Array(UInt64) WatchID of the view related to the article.
PublisherEvents.FromArticleID Array(UInt32 ID of the article from which the current article was accessed.
PublisherEvents.HasRecircled Array(UInt8) Indicates if the user has recircled from the view (moved to another article on the site).
PublisherEvents.HitEventTime Array(DateTime) Hit time.
PublisherEvents.InvolvedTime Array(UInt32) How long the user viewed the article.
PublisherEvents.MessengerID Array(UInt8) Article traffic source ID (messenger ID).
PublisherEvents.MessengerStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (messenger string ID).
PublisherEvents.PublicationTime Array(DateTime) Publication time.
PublisherEvents.RecommendationSystemID Array(UInt8) Article traffic source ID (recommendation system ID).
PublisherEvents.RecommendationSystemStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (recommendation system string ID).
PublisherEvents.ReferrerDomain Array(String) Article traffic source (referrer domain).
PublisherEvents.ReferrerPath Array(String) Article traffic source (referrer path).
PublisherEvents.Rubric Array(String) Primary category of the article.
PublisherEvents.Rubric2 Array(String) Secondary category of the article.
PublisherEvents.ScrollDown Array(UInt8) Indicates how far down the user scrolled the article.
PublisherEvents.SearchEngineID Array(UInt16) Article traffic source ID (search engine ID).
PublisherEvents.SearchEngineStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (search engine string ID).
PublisherEvents.SocialSourceNetworkID Array(UInt8) Article traffic source ID (social network ID).
PublisherEvents.SocialSourceNetworkStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (social network string ID).
PublisherEvents.Title Array(String) Article title.
PublisherEvents.Topics Array(Array(String)) Article topics
PublisherEvents.TrafficSourceID Array(Int8) Article traffic source ID.
PublisherEvents.TrafficSourceStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID
PublisherEvents.TurboType Array(UInt8) Turbo type ID.
PublisherEvents.TurboTypeStr Array(String) Turbo type string ID.
PublisherEvents.URLCanonical Array(String) Canonical URL of the article.
Referer String Optional. Referrer.
RegionID UInt32 Optional. Region ID.
ResolutionDepth UInt8 Optional. Color depth.
ResolutionHeight UInt16 Optional. Screen height.
ResolutionWidth UInt16 Optional. Screen width.
StartURL String Optional. URL where the visit started.
TrafficSource.AdvEnginePlaceID Array(UInt64) Ad system ID.
TrafficSource.AdvEnginePlaceStrID Array(String) Ad system string ID.
TrafficSource.ClickBannerID Array(UInt64) Ad ID.
TrafficSource.ClickDirectCampaignID Array(UInt32) Yandex Direct campaign ID.
TrafficSource.ClickGroupBannerID Array(UInt64) Yandex Direct ad group ID.
TrafficSource.ClickTargetType Array(UInt16)
TrafficSource.CLID Array(UInt32) CLID URL parameter.
TrafficSource.DirectCLID Array(UInt64) Yandex Direct click ID (YCLID).
TrafficSource.Domain Array(String) Domain.
TrafficSource.FromTag Array(String) from value from the URL.
TrafficSource.GCLID Array(String) Google Ads parameter (Google Click ID).
TrafficSource.HasGCLID Array(UInt8) Indicates if Google Ads parameter is available.
TrafficSource.ID Array(Int8) Traffic source ID.
TrafficSource.MessengerID Array(UInt8) Messenger ID.
TrafficSource.MessengerStrID Array(String) Messenger string ID.
TrafficSource.Model Array(UInt8) Attribution type ID.
TrafficSource.ModelStr Array(String) Attribution type string ID.
TrafficSource.OpenstatAdID Array(String) Openstat ad ID.
TrafficSource.OpenstatCampaignID Array(String) Openstat ad campaign ID.
TrafficSource.OpenstatServiceName Array(String) Openstat tag name, ad platform.
TrafficSource.OpenstatSourceID Array(String) Openstat ad type.
TrafficSource.QRCodeProviderID Array(UInt16) QR code provider ID.
TrafficSource.QRCodeProviderStrID Array(String) QR code provider string ID.
TrafficSource.RecommendationSystemID Array(UInt8) Recommendation system ID.
TrafficSource.RecommendationSystemStrID Array(String) Recommendation system string ID.
TrafficSource.SearchEngineID Array(UInt16) Search engine ID (detailed).
TrafficSource.SearchEngineRootID Array(UInt16) Search engine ID.
TrafficSource.SearchEngineRootStrID Array(String) Search engine string ID.
TrafficSource.SearchEngineStrID Array(String) Search engine string ID (detailed).
TrafficSource.SocialSourceNetworkID Array(UInt8) Article traffic source ID (social network ID).
TrafficSource.SocialSourceNetworkStrID Array(String) Article traffic source string ID (social network string ID).
TrafficSource.SocialSourcePage Array(String) Social network page from which the user arrived.
TrafficSource.StartTime Array(DateTime) Visit start date and time.
TrafficSource.StrID Array(String) Traffic source string ID.
TrafficSource.UTMCampaign Array(String) UTM campaign name
TrafficSource.UTMContent Array(String) Additional UTM information.
TrafficSource.UTMMedium Array(String) utm_medium value.
TrafficSource.UTMSource Array(String) utm_source value.
TrafficSource.UTMTerm Array(String) UTM keyword.
TrafficSource.YQRID Array(String) Unique tag provided by Yandex QR generator
UserAgent UInt8 Optional. User's browser ID.
UserAgentMajor UInt16 Optional. Major version number of the browser.
UserAgentStr String Optional. User's browser string ID.
UserAgentVersion2 UInt32 Optional. Full version of the browser, second number.
UserAgentVersion3 UInt32 Optional. Full version of the browser, third number.
UserAgentVersion4 UInt32 Optional. Full version of the browser, fourth number.
UTCStartTime DateTime Optional. Visit start timestamp.
WatchIDs Array(UInt64) Hits in this visit, excluding visit parameters.
WindowClientHeight UInt16 Optional. Browser window height.
WindowClientWidth UInt16 Optional. Browser window width.

See also

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