Deprovision AWS BYOC
When you delete the BYOC connection between your AWS resources and DoubleCloud, make sure you do it in the correct order that's described on this page. In particular, don't delete the CloudFormation stack before you remove other resources. If the stack is removed, you can no longer access or manage the resources from DoubleCloud.
To deprovision BYOC and delete the resources, take the steps in the following order:
Delete all your resources in the DoubleCloud console:
Managed Service for ClickHouse® keeps cluster backups for one week after you delete a cluster. There are two ways how you can delete these backups:
Delay removing your CloudFormation stack for a week after you delete the resources on DoubleCloud. This will allow the DoubleCloud resource manager to automatically remove the backups for you.
Delete the backups manually in your AWS Console.
Delete the external network you used to create the DoubleCloud BYOC account.
On the AWS side, delete the BYOC CloudFormation stack.
If you delete the CloudFormation stack before deleting the resources, DoubleCloud will lose access to your AWS network and you won't be able to manage your BYOC resources from the console.
While the resources will still be operational, you won't be able to modify their configuration, create new resources, or delete existing ones.
If such a situation has occurred, contact our technical support.