ElasticSearch connector

You can use this connector for source and target endpoints.

Source endpoint

  1. Under ConnectionConnection typeData nodes, click + Nodes.

    For each node on the source cluster, specify Host and Port.

  2. Check the SSL box if you want to encrypt your connection.

  3. Add the CA Certificate. Click Upload file to provide an ElasticSearch certificate file.

    For more information on how to create such certificate, see the official ElasticSearch documentation .

  4. Specify your User name.

  5. Provide the Password associated with the above user.

ElasticSearch type Transfer type
long int64
integer int32
short int16
byte int8
unsigned_long uint64
float, half_float float
double, scaled_float, rank_feature double
text, ip, constant_keyword, match_only_text, search_as_you_type string
IPv4 utf8
boolean boolean
date timestamp
REST... any

Target endpoint

  1. Under ConnectionConnection typeData nodes, click + Nodes.

    For each node on the target cluster, specify Host and Port.

  2. Check the SSL box if you want to encrypt your connection.

  3. Add the CA Certificate. Click Upload file to provide an ElasticSearch certificate file.

    For more information on how to create such certificate, see the official ElasticSearch documentation .

  4. Specify your User name.

  5. Provide the Password associated with the above user.

  6. Select the Cleanup policy. This policy allows you to select a way to clean up data in the target database when you activate, reactivate or reload the transfer:

    • Don't cleanup: Select this option if you only perform replication without copying data.

    • Drop: Fully delete the collections included in the transfer (default). Use this option to always transfer the latest version of the schema to the target database from the source.

    • Truncate: Execute the remove() command for a target collection each time you run a transfer.

  7. Check the Sanitize the documents keys box. It cleans the JSON keys in the indexed documents by removing invalid characters, leading/trailing whitespaces, and leading/trailing dots.

Transfer type ElasticSearch type
int64 long
int32 integer
int16 short
int8 byte
uint64 unsigned_long
uint32 unsigned_long
uint16 Uunsigned_long
uint8 unsigned_long
float float
double double
string text
utf8 text
boolean boolean
date date
datetime date
timestamp date
any json

See also