Service Level of Managed Service for Apache Kafka®

This document defines Service Level of Managed Service for Apache Kafka® and is an integral part of DoubleCloud Customer Agreement (the "Agreement") and SLA available at:

Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement and Linked Documents.

Service Level:

Cluster Uptime
Apache Kafka reading 99.99%
Apache Kafka writing 99.95%

Compensation Amount:

Availability of a Apache Kafka Cluster - reading

Service Uptime Percentage in Accrual Period Compensation, % of Service Fee for Service in Accrual Period
< 99.99%-99.00% 10.0%
< 99.00%-90.00% 15.0%
less than 90.00% 30.0%

Availability of a Apache Kafka Cluster - writing

Service Uptime Percentage in Accrual Period Compensation, % of Service Fee for Service in Accrual Period
< 99.99%-99.00% 10.0%
< 99.00%-90.00% 15.0%
less than 90.00% 30.0%

Definition of Unavailability for the Service:

Topic unavailability to read or write with replication factor equal or more than two, provided that its replicated Topic Partitions are in the availability other than with Leader Replicas.

The Service Level Agreement does not apply to unavailability arising from circumstances beyond the control of DoubleCloud, such as failures in external networks or the Customer's failure to comply with the Instructions, or overload of one or more Brokers resulting in Unavailability, insufficient free disk space, use of an excessively large number of Partitions, etc.


Topic Partition a separate Topic segment with data independent of data in other segments. Topic Partitions can be assigned on different Brokers.

Leader Replicas Broker of selected Topic Partition, to which data is written only for this selected Topic Partition.

Apache® and Apache Kafka® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.


Web address:

Date of publication: 27 June 2022

Effective date: 27 June 2022