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Managed Service for Apache Airflow®

Your next-generation solution for effective data orchestration in under 10 minutes

Optimize your workflows

We’ve taken the robust capabilities of Apache Airflow and enhanced them with our managed service, providing you with a comprehensive toolkit for creating, scheduling, and monitoring workflows with unparalleled ease.

Why do you need fully Managed Airflow?

Hassle-free infrastructure management

With DoubleCloud, you can leave the complexities of cluster creation and updates to us. We handle your infrastructure so you can focus on your data.

Auto-scaling for effortless performance

Our service eliminates the guesswork from configuring Airflow. With auto-scaling worker nodes, we ensure your performance is optimized effortlessly, regardless of the size or complexity of your workflows.

Quick start with pre-packaged libraries

Get up and running in no time with our pre-packaged common libraries. Build your Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) quickly and efficiently, without the need for extensive setup or configuration.

Rapid DAG development

We’ve designed our service to be as developer-friendly as possible. With easy integration into your existing GIT environment, processing Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) has never been simpler or more efficient.

Custom container images

If you need a specific workflow setup, you can easily bring your plugins, packages, or libraries into Airflow by customizing the default container image.

Compare fully managed service to self-hosted Apache Airflow

Feature / Service
DoubleCloud fully managed Apache Airflow
Self-hosted Apache Airflow
Creation of DAGs
Managing access to Airflow console
Free support 16/5
Out-of-box Git integration for DAGs provisioning
Monitoring and logging capabilities in DoubleCloud console
Updates for Apache Airflow
Updates of infrastructure components
Security best practices and automatic security monitoring
Automatic provisioning and configuring infrastructure services including high availability configurations with auto-scaling
Creation and management of virtual machines

Why DoubleCloud?

Bring your own account (BYOA)

Deploy Managed Apache Airflow in your own account on AWS or project on GCP. All computations and data will be in your cloud account, and DoubleCloud will handle the management part.

Highly secure and compliant

Apache Airflow workers and schedulers run in a secure SOC 2, ISO/IEC 27001 certified environment.

Comprehensive support and monitoring

Rest assured with our expert support and 24/7 service monitoring. We guarantee a 99.99% availability through our service level agreement, ensuring your Airflow runs optimally at all times.

Frequently asked questions

What makes Apache Airflow stand out?

Apache Airflow has several features that make it a unique and powerful tool for task automation, planning, and workflow management (workflow orchestration). The main characteristics that distinguish Apache Airflow include:

  • Dynamic task scheduling. You can define a schedule taking into account dependencies and changing conditions.
  • Dependency definition: Airflow allows you to explicitly define dependencies between tasks, providing control over their execution order.
  • Monitoring and logging: Airflow provides tools for monitoring and logging task performance. You can easily track the status and progress of tasks, as well as analyze logs to identify errors and improve performance.
  • Scalability: Airflow scales horizontally, allowing it to handle both small and very large workflows.
  • Support for multiple data sources and plugins Airflow integrates with various data sources and supports numerous plugins, ensuring flexibility and expandability.
  • Open source and active community: Airflow is an open-source project with an active community of developers and users, ensuring support and constant tool updates.
  • Customizability: you can customize Airflow to your needs by creating your own operators.

Join us at DoubleCloud and discover the power of fully managed Apache Airflow.

Apache® and Apache Airflow® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.