Upgrade to Paid usage

Permissions required to complete the steps below

To complete the steps described in this article, you need to be a project owner or to have a Billing permission assigned at the Organization level to your user account.

Before you start

Thank you for deciding to upgrade to paid usage!

Let's make sure you have all the information necessary to upgrade to the complete DoubleCloud experience:

  • Your address of residence
  • Your ZIP or Postal Code
  • Your VAT ID (if you have any)
  • Your bank card information (card number, its expiration date, and a three-digit CVC security code)
  • The registered name of your company
  • Your company's registered address
  • Your company's ZIP or Postal Code
  • Your company's VAT type
  • Your company's VAT ID (if available)
  • Your company's bank card information (card number, its expiration date, and a three-digit CVC security code)

Step 1. Start the upgrade process

To start the process of upgrading to the paid usage:

  1. Go to the Billing information page . You'll see an invitation to start paid usage.

  2. Click Add billing information.

Step 2. Provide billing information

In this step, you provide the information we'll use for invoicing and exchanging billing-related information.

  1. Select your Legal entity type:

    • Individual

    • Company

  2. Enter the required billing information:

    1. Under Legal entity, select Individual.

    2. Enter your Name.

    3. Select your Country from the drop-down list.

      Your payment currency, tax rate, and billing period depend on the name of the country you provide here.

      1. If you selected the United States of America, specify your State of residency. For other countries, leave this field blank.
    4. Specify your Address and City of residence.

    5. Type your ZIP/Postal code.

    6. Enter your VAT ID if available.

    1. Under Legal entity, select Company.

    2. In the Name field, enter your company's registered name.

    3. From the drop-down list, select your company's Country of registration.

      Your payment currency, tax rate, and billing period depends on the name of the country you provide.

      1. If you selected the United States of America, specify your company's State of registration. For other countries, leave this field blank.
    4. Provide your company's registered Address and City.

    5. Type your company's ZIP/Postal code.

    6. Select your company's VAT Type from the drop-down list.

    7. Specify your company's VAT ID (if available).

    It's a good idea to check your billing information before submitting it - you won't be able to change it after advancing to the next step.

  3. Click Submit to proceed.

Step 3. Add a payment method

In this step, you'll provide your payment method information that we'll use to receive payments from you for the services rendered.

On top of the page, you'll see an invitation to provide payment information.

  1. Click Add Payment Method.

  2. In a popup window, provide the necessary information to link your bank card:

    1. A 16-digit Card number

    2. Your card's Expiration date

    3. A three-digit CVC Security code.

  3. Click Submit.

    To make sure your bank card is valid, DoubleCloud will hold a small amount in your account. We won't debit this amount - it will become available once verification is complete and the funds are released.

    The period for releasing the held funds depends on how and when your bank handles transactions.

Step 4. Activate your upgrade

You're almost done.

  1. Review your Billing information and the Payment method from the previous steps.

  2. Click Start Paid usage.

Congratulations! You now have access to the full potential of DoubleCloud!

Availability of Trial period credits after upgrade

Availability of the initial credits deposited to your Billing account depends on the time you upgrade to paid usage:

  • If you upgrade after your free Trial period expires, all your initial credits expire with it - you can not use the expired credits to pay for DoubleCloud services.

  • If you upgrade before your free Trial period expires, the remaining amount of initial credits stays intact on your Billing account - you can use the remaining initial credits to pay for DoubleCloud services.