Monitor your invoices

Permissions required to complete the steps below

To complete the steps described in this article, you need to be a project owner or to have a Billing permission assigned at the Organization level to your user account.

To monitor your invoices:

  1. Go to the Billing information page .

  2. Open the Invoices tab.

Understand your Invoices interface

AWS Marketplace notice

This section will be empty if you use the AWS Marketplace subscription.

The Invoices tab contains a table with the following data columns:

  • The Issued date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

  • A billing Period the invoice is for.

  • The total Amount of money for all the services listed in the invoice.

    You can find more information on your resource consumption in the Consumption details tab.

  • The Status of the invoice.

    An invoice may have one of the following statuses:

    Status Description
    Issued The invoice is available for payment. You have time before the payment deadline.
    Paid The invoice is paid in full and on time.
    Failed The payment for this invoice failed. Contact your bank or payment provider.
  • A link to View details of the invoice.