Monitor your payments

AWS Marketplace notice

This section will be empty if you use the AWS Marketplace subscription.

Payments is a primary accounting tool that confirms the transfer of funds from your bank card to DoubleCloud.

After you pay for the services with your bank card:

  • You'll receive a payment receipt by email

  • An entry will appear in the Payments tab on your Billing page.

Understand your Payments interface

Your Payments interface displays a table with the following columns:

  • Date - the date in DD/MM/YYYY format on which the payment occurred.

  • Amount - the sum of money you paid for DoubleCloud services. Depending on your country, it can be displayed in US dollars ($) or in Euro (€).

  • Payment method - the card number used for payment.

  • Status - a piece of information showing the payment's condition. There are two possible statuses for a payment:

    • Paid - DoubleCloud received the payment.
    • Failed - the payment wasn't received by DoubleCloud. Try to resolve the issue. If unsuccessful, contact our Technical support for further information.