Logs in Managed Service for Apache Kafka®

DoubleCloud maintains a log of events taking place in managed clusters that you can use for monitoring activity and debugging issues.

You can access logs in the Logs tab on the cluster page, or you can configure log export to external log management providers.

Log entries

Log entry records status or describes certain events in your cluster. These messages tell you that certain events occur in the cluster or show something is wrong and needs attention.

Log entry structure

A log entry contains the complete information on a logged event and consists of the following segments:

  • Date and time stamp in the YYYY/MM/DD, HH:MM:SS format.

  • Log level indicator.

  • Log entry text.

Log levels

Log level is a status that tells how important a log entry is.

DoubleCloud clusters support the following log levels:

Level Description
TRACE Detailed diagnostics information
DEBUG Debugging information
INFO Diagnostics information for statistics
WARNING Warning about a non-critical malfunction, investigate further
ERROR Error report
FATAL Possible system failure, service shutdown

See also