Terms of Use of Managed Service for Apache Kafka®

This document contains specific Terms of Use for Managed Service for Apache Kafka® (the "Service") and is an integral part of DoubleCloud Customer Agreement (the "Agreement") and Service Terms set forth at https://double.cloud/legal/service_terms/

Capitalized terms used herein have the meanings given in the Agreement and Linked Documents.

1. Functional Features of the Service

1.1. The Service allows Customer to create, operate, manage and scale data on Platform using Apache Kafka DMS.

1.2. Functional Features of the Service:

1.2.1 Creation of Topics with required performance parameters;

1.2.2. Scaling of allocated virtual computing capacity and virtual disk space for data and Topics;

1.2.3. monitoring of used resources;

1.2.4. prompt update of the DMS software;

1.2.5. Other functionalities of the Service that DoubleCloud, at its discretion, makes available to Customer. The list of functionalities is available to Customer on the Site and/or in the Management Console.

1.3. Service Level is determined for the Service in accordance with SLA.

2. Pricing

2.1. The use of the Service is chargeable.

2.2. The cost of the Service is determined according to the rates and billing units specified on the Site. DoubleCloud may change the rates as provided by the Agreement.

2.3. The cost of the Service depends on the disk space, Cluster parameters and number of Brokers in Clusters.

2.4. As part of the Service, the volume of Outgoing Traffic, the cost of back-up copies, and other additional benefits used by Customer and related to the use of the Service are additionally charged.

2.5. DoubleCloud may from time to time provide the Customer with additional functional features of the Service for an additional fee.


Cluster - one or more Brokers, united for data replication in Apache Kafka.

DMS - data management system of Apache Kafka.

Broker - a virtual machine created specifically for DMS deployment.

Topic - a part of the Apache Kafka Cluster with data assigned on one or more Brokers for load balancing purposes.

Apache® and Apache Kafka® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.


Web address: https://double.cloud/legal/terms_kfk/

Date of publication: 27 June 2022

Effective date: 27 June 2022