📢 The Rockset ride is over; ClickHouse takes it further | Switch now, and we’ll help you migrate smoothly Learn more →


Pay only for what you use with no hidden costs for maintenance, monitoring, or management.

Free visualization service

Build your charts and dashboards for no extra charge with our easy-to-use BI tool

Free backups

Automatic or manual backups for your ClickHouse clusters

Hybrid storage

Decrease your storage costs by up to 5X with ClickHouse hybrid storage. You pay AWS S3 prices: ±$0.024 for 1GB/month.

Free cross-AZ, ingress, and egress traffic

No limits on the number of requests and IOPS, or other pricing difficulties common to public clouds

Free VPC peering and ZooKeeper and ClickHouse Keeper

Commitment-based discounts

Contact us for a committed use discount, like reserved instances on AWS

Calculate the price

Disclaimer, limitation, and notes

  • Upon the completion of the Trial Period and/or switching to the paid version of the Services by clicking the respective box in the managment console, DoubleCloud will start billing your usage of services.
  • All prices are in United States Dollars and do not include taxes.
  • For billing purposes, the USD exchange rate for the last day of each month is used for charges on the payment date.
  • If you pay for Services in a currency other than USD, your fees will be converted to USD using the exchange rate specified by the European Central Bank + 1%.
  • The exchange rate in USD of the Accrual Period will be used to calculate your fees for Services consumed during each Accrual Period.
  • Traffic-related to your account is out of the scope of DoubleCloud pricing.
  • Standard support included: 16/5 free assistance with a possibility to upgrade to 24/7. Support with tickets, or via slack or email
  • All prices are for Run in DoubleCloud accounts. Contact us for Run In Your Own Cloud Account pricing.
  • If you have additional questions, please contact hello@double.cloud
  • If you are in the paid version of the Services you can unsubscribe any time. Please contact our support to do it, by sending the request through your console.

Get started with DoubleCloud

  1. ClickHouse is a trademark of ClickHouse, Inc. https://clickhouse.com

  2. Apache® and Apache Kafka® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.