Terms of Use for DoubleCloud Visualization

This document contains the Terms of Use for DoubleCloud Visualization (the "Service") and is an integral part of DoubleCloud Customer Agreement (the "Agreement") and Service Terms set forth at https://double.cloud/legal/service_terms/

Capitalized terms used herein have the meanings given in the Agreement and Linked Documents.

1. Functional Features of the Service

1.1. The Service enables Customer to process and analyze data received from the Data Provider, with an option to graphically visualize such data in various formats. A full description of the functional features of the Service is contained in Documentation of the Service posted on Site.

1.2. The Customer is provided with the following options as part of the Service:

  • to upload, store, download and share data received from the Data Provider;

  • to generate a Graphic Visualization.

1.3. other functional features of the Service, which DoubleCloud at its sole discretion makes available to Customer. The full list of functional features is available to Customer on Site and / or in Management Console.

1.4. DoubleCloud disclaims liability for the software and data's of third parties or of the Customer and Customer's Content used by the Customer as part of the Service.

1.5. The Service Level of the DoubleCloud Visualization is not determined.

2. Pricing

2.1. The use of the Service basic functionality is free of charge, although some additional functions of the Service can be chargeable, which should be expressly stated on the Site.

2.2. DoubleCloud may from time to time provide Customer with additional functional features of the Service for an additional fee.

2.3. As part of the Service, the Customer may take advantage of special price and discount offers announced on the Site and/or in the Management Console.

3. Limitations

3.1. In cases where the Data Provider is DoubleCloud, Customer may not use the data outside the Platform or share it with third parties, unless the opposite is expressly permitted in the Service interface or on Site.

3.2. The list of additional limitations of the Service specified on Site in "Quotas and Limits" section.


Graphic Visualization means relevant data received from the Data Provider represented as a graph (table/chart).

Data Provider means a database of Customer, DoubleCloud or a third party, which can be located inside or outside the Platform.


Web address: https://double.cloud/legal/terms_visualization/

Date of publication: 27 June 2022

Effective date: 27 June 2022