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How to deploy real-time analytics in 10 minutes with DoubleCloud's Managed Kafka

On-demand webinar

Learn how to deploy hassle-free real-time analytics in fast and effective way.

Join the Apache Kafka tutorial by DoubleCloud’s experts.

🔍 Webinar highlights:

  • Learn more about Managed service for Apache Kafka and its competitor advantages.
  • See how to set up fault-tolerant real-time data streams in minutes.
  • Find out how to integrate Managed service for Apache Kafka into your existing data ecosystem, creating a unified platform for all your data sources.
  • Discover the best practices for fine-tuning Apache Kafka to ensure high performance in the most demanding scenarios.

🎙️ Who should attend?

  • CTOs, CIOs, and tech leaders
  • Data engineers, architects, and administrators
  • Data scientists, analysts, and business intelligence professionals

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